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Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Facilities Project Management

Project Management Core Service Mission Statement: 计划, design and construct facilities and associated infrastructure utilizing methods and procedures that deliver the best value and energy efficiency.

Project Management manages sales tax 项目, capital improvement 项目, spacial and long-range planning, and the Facilities' capital maintenance plan.


的 1% local option sales tax is used to fund a variety of 项目. Charlotte County and its residents have benefitted from five prior 1% local option sales tax programs, 从1994年开始. 的 current local option tax is in its final year and on November 3, 2020, voters will have the opportunity to extend the 1% local option sales tax for six more years from 2021 to 2026.

销售税, including the 1% local option sales tax, is paid by all: not just residents, but tourists and visitors. 的 1% local option sales tax is one cent per each one dollar spent and is therefore sometimes referred to as the One Cent Sales Tax.

Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Capital Improvement Program provides a detailed view of the County's capital improvement budgeting and planning 过程 for Fiscal Year 2020, and the six year CIP period for 项目 $100,000或更多. Project Managers regularly update the 项目状态 随着阶段的进行.


的 Project Management division is responsible for the long-range planning for the County's facilities. 的 Facilities Manager interacts with county departments documenting their vision. 的 County's 20-year plan was created utilizing the visions and initial project scope. 的 20-year capital needs assessment is reviewed bi-annually by staff and presented to the Board of 县委员会ers.

Capital 维护 计划 (CMP)

County buildings were evaluated though a Facility Condition Assessment determining condition, remedial actions and priorities, and estimated remediation costs. A Construction Manager (CM) was hired through the Request for Proposal 过程 to help manage the capital maintenance needs determined through the assessment. 的 CM handles planning, design, and repair. Examples of capital maintenance repairs may include replacing windows, 修复路面, 修正管道工程, replacing electrical panels, 还有更多.


Facilities utilizes different delivery methods for county construction. All 项目 follow a 过程. Project design for buildings under $2 million utilize the 过程 of Request for Letters of Interest from the professional library of consultants. Larger 项目 utilize the longer 过程 called Request for Proposal. Construction is delivered by either Hard Bid or Construction Manager.

Facilities Construction and 维护
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

电话: 941.743.1392
传真: 941.743.1568

Delivering Exceptional Service

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